Friday, June 03, 2005

Reading !

Read something everyday !
Reading in important because it feeds brain. You are thinking about something every waking and sleeping moment of your life. Given your brain some ffod to think about.
Select a subject that you like. Over a period of time, you will have subjects that you like. When you read more, you can develop more subjects that you like.
By reading, you know more every day; something you did not know a day ago, an hour ago, a moment ago.
Another big joy of mine is to revist the books and articles that I read before. It is lot of fun.
It is like reliving the joy with an after-taste. You may remember some good food item that you ate some days or years ago. That taste is stored in your mind. You eat the same item after some years and you relive the joy of eating with an anticipation that you will feel equal joy while eating.
Same with the books. I love Jouls Verne. I believe his ideas brought revolution in science and made lot of people to think creatively.

1 comment:

Rasika's blog said...

You forgot to add "eat some real food too". People might think you have to eat the book.